Smith & Loveless developed the packaged treatment concept more than 60 years ago, and continues to develop innovative system designs tailored to meet these essential goals: (1) deliver systems that meet or exceed customer effluent requirements (2) deliver systems that maximize the ease and cost of installation, operation and maintenance (3) minimize footprint requirements.
S&L MBBR-iFAS fixed-film (attached growth) packaged treatment systems meet all three of these goals. S&L packaged MBBR-iFAS systems provide all of the advantages of a conventional MBBR or iFAS system, in a prefabricated tank package. Designed to essentially “plug & play”, the technology is easy to install for customers with urgent and specific treatment system needs, and it reduces the tank size and footprint.
To achieve specific effluent and/or smaller footprint requirements for individual municipal and industrial-commercial application, Smith & Loveless treatment systems are converted to MBBR-iFAS and may be combined with proprietary S&L process zones and equipment components, including:
In-Tank Processes:
- iFAS
- S&L AOAO and Bio-P Multi-Stage Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Zones
- Nitrification / Denitrification
- Phosphorous Removal
- Various Aerobic, Anoxic and Anaerobic Zone combinations
- Flow Equalization, Sludge Storage
- S&L Clarifiers
(Hopper-style and stand-alone circular tankage / standard and flocculating) - Chemical Precipitation
- DGF Tertiary Filtration
(Integral or stand-alone tankage) - Disinfection (UV or Chlorination)
- Dissolved Air Flotation
Benefits vs Conventional Biological Treatment Systems:
- Reduced footprint
- Incremental capacity within the same basin by adding more media
(e.g. fill the basin from 30% (by volume) in stage 1 to 50% in stage 2) - Enhanced process stability
- Better handling of variations in flow, temperature, and other influent quality
- Resistant to shock loads