Smith & Loveless hosts Wastewater Design Schools all across the United States. We are happy to get out in the field, meet new faces and share the wealth of design information we have accumulated over the past 75 years.
Although S&L equipment is discussed, these are not sales presentations promoting any single type of system. The information presented can apply to almost any project, and are generally acceptable for Continuing Education / Professional Development purposes. Design engineers, EIT’s, DPW’s, students, plant and collection system superintendents and operators are all people who can benefit from these classes.
We look forward to sharing our philosophy for creating value through efficient wastewater system design. Register for one of our scheduled events at right. Subjects covered during a typical Design School include:
- Determining Flow Rates
- Wet Well Sizing
- Calculating TDH
- Plotting System Curves
- Pump Selection
- Overview of Three Pump Station Design Types
- Series Pump Stations and Multiple Pump Stations on a Common Force Main
- Grit Fundamentals
- Grit Characterization
- Overview of Grit Removal System Types
- Grit Removal Efficiency
- Water Level / Velocity Control
- Grit Pumping and Grit Dewatering
- Grit Testing Methodologies
- Biological Process 101
- Do You Need BOD/TSS Removal or Nutrient Removal?
- Comparison Between Activated Sludge and MBRs
- Differences in MBR Technologies
- Packaged Treatment vs. Conventional WRRF